Amazon Connector v1.0
The Amazon Connector provides a straightforward way of enabling connectivity between your Amazon marketplace and other systems that BPA Platform can connect to that you use to maintain inventory or process orders.
Read articleThe Amazon Connector provides a straightforward way of enabling connectivity between your Amazon marketplace and other systems that BPA Platform can connect to that you use to maintain inventory or process orders.
Read articleThe Applications Platform Connector tool allows communication between Applications Platform and BPA Platform. All communication uses XML. You use the Connector to map BPA Platform data to Applications Platform objects and operations. The XML responses received back from Applications Platform can be saved to file, or passed to another BPA Platform tool for further processing. The responses can include details of the object requested, any errors, or the values of any automatically generated ID fields.
Read articleThe Applications Platform Private Cloud Connector tool allows communication between an Applications Platform Private Cloud tenant and BPA Platform. All communication uses XML. You use the Connector to map BPA Platform data to Applications Platform Private Cloud objects and operations.
Read articleBusiness Process Management (BPM) software is a powerful technology, enabling organisations to streamline business systems through the automation of processes and communications across multiple systems, databases, and people — leading to improvements in process efficiency across the whole business.
Read articleThe Call COM Object tool is used to create a task step that calls third party COM Objects to provide integration with other systems, protocols, or applications.
Read articleThe Call Stored Procedure (OLEDB) tool executes database stored procedures and functions to provide read, write, and automated data processing.
Read articleThe Call Task tool is used to trigger another task to run from the current task. If required, you can use consumed XML from another step or variables to pass task data between the two during run-time.
Read articleThe Convert Recordset to XML Tool allows the conversion of one or more flat-structure BPA Platform recordsets into a hierarchical XML structure. This way, it is used to provide “translation services” between the standard BPA Platform tools, such as Database Query (ODBC), and advanced BPA Platform tools that accept XML as their input.
Read articleThe Convert XML to Recordset tool is used to convert XML data into a flat-format BPA Platform recordset, allowing the data to be used by recordset-only consuming tools. This could then be used to power alerts via fax, email, or SMS, create reports, power a workflow, perform FTP transfer, and so on.
Read articleThe Create Workflow Job Tool is used to create a Task Step that dynamically creates Workflow Jobs. A Workflow Job Step dynamically generates one or any number of web page(s) containing fields for completion by recipients and publishes them to a website folder on a specified web server. Each of these web pages is called a Workflow Job and can be assigned for completion to any number of recipients.
Read articleThe Database Query (HANA) tool provides BPA Platform with direct access to an SAP HANA database. This tool allows you to design and run queries that return structured data otherwise unavailable when using the tools from the SAP Business One Integration Tool Pack.
Read articleThe Database Query (ODBC) tool allows the extraction of specific information sets from relational database systems such as ERP, Financial, Accounting, MRP, Production, CRM, HR, Project, and bespoke systems. Once obtained, the data is then available to other task steps for manipulation or delivery, or both.
Read articleThe Database Query (OLEDB) tool allows the extraction of specific information sets from relational database systems such as ERP, Financial, Accounting, MRP, Production, CRM, HR, Project, and bespoke systems. Once obtained, the data is then available to other task steps for manipulation or delivery, or both.
Read articleThe Decision tool is used to control the flow of a task process, based on the result of one or more expressions. The decision works by testing a sequence of Boolean (true/false) conditions in turn until an expression returns true. When a true condition is returned then that particular branch of the process is followed.
Read articleThe Email Trigger (SMTP) tool triggers a task to run based on the contents of incoming or outgoing mail sent via an SMTP mail server. When an email is received, it is compared against a number of filters created in the step, defining values for the message parameters. When all filter requirements are met, the task is triggered. On receipt, each of the email parameters is exposed and their values may be mapped to variables created for the task and then used in other steps.
Read articleUse the File Management tool to carry out a number of automated actions on single or multiple files – move, copy, rename, and delete – either locally or across the network. Uploads to and downloads from an FTP server are also supported.
Read articleThe Filter Data tool extracts a subset of data from a recordset produced by a Database Query (ODBC), Database Query (OLEDB), or Call Stored Procedure (OLEDB) step and provides the data for use in further steps.
Read articleThe Format as Flat File tool takes a BPA Platform recordset and converts it into a flat file to be used by another task step or external program. The flat file output can be delimited or fixed width. You can also choose whether the flat file contains data for single or multiple record types.
Read articleThe Format as HTML Pro tool is used to create a task step that produces single or multiple HTML documents. You can choose to create the HTML template from scratch or import a pre-existing template. Recordsets and other task step properties can also be used to populate the HTML template to produce dynamic content documents. These documents can then be consumed and then delivered by Output or Execute task steps.
Read articleThe Format as HTML tool is used to create a task step that produces single or multiple HTML documents. You can choose to create the HTML template from scratch or import a pre-existing template. Recordsets and other task step properties can also be used to populate the HTML template to produce dynamic content documents. These documents can then be consumed and then delivered by Output or Execute task steps.
Read articleThe Format as Text tool creates single or multiple text documents, using information provided by Input tools such as the Database Query (ODBC) tool. It requires no global settings. If required, you can produce dynamic documents such as, alerts and notifications, or data formats such as .CSV for spreadsheets or uploading to other systems. Drag-and-drop recordset columns, variables, and properties from the Task Browser to achieve this.
Read articleIntroduction to the HubSpot Connector Tool What is the HubSpot Connector Tool? The HubSpot Connector Tool provides BPA Platform with easy-to-use connectivity to and from a HubSpot company database. All communications use…
Read articleThe Import Flat File tool imports a delimited or fixed-width file from disk into BPA Platform, extracts the file content including any file properties, then outputs it as either a recordset or as XML. The columns that make up the recordset, and the nodes and nested elements for the XML file, can either be inferred from an imported example or created manually.
Read articleThe Import XML Document tool imports an XML document to be used and processed by other task steps. To validate the XML documents at runtime, you can either import an XML schema file (XSD), inferred from an existing XML document, or manually constructed.
Read articleThe Infor CRM Connector tool pack gives a simple, straightforward way of providing connectivity between BPA Platform and Infor CRM. It provides an easy to use user interface using a single tool to enable read and write access to and from Infor CRM installations.
Read articleThe Magento Integration tool allows communication between BPA Platform and Magento. All communication uses XML. You use the tool to map BPA Platform data to Magento objects and operations. Operations such as, ADD, UPDATE, GET, and DELETE, are supported for a variety of business objects, such as, Product, Customer and Order
Read articleThe MailChimp Integration tool allows communication between BPA Platform and MailChimp. All communication uses XML. You use the Integration tool to map BPA Platform data to MailChimp objects and operations. Operations such as, ADD, UPDATE, GET, and DELETE, are supported for a variety of business objects, such as, List, Campaign, and Click report.
Read articleUse the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Connector to send and retrieve data between BPA Platform and your Dynamics 365 Business Central installation. This allows for data to be synchronised between Dynamics 365 Business Central and third-party systems that it does not normally connect with.
Read articleThe Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connector tool is used to operate with data from/to your Microsoft Dynamics CRM system. The full range of objects in Dynamics CRM can be interacted with, for example, Accounts, Account Leads, Appointments, Calendars, Campaigns, Competitors, Contacts, Contracts, Invoices, Leads, Opportunities, Products, and so on. The range of objects and the data within them is retrieved dynamically from your installation of Dynamics CRM so that custom changes made to CRM are also included.
Read articleUse components in the Microsoft Exchange Tool Pack to send and retrieve data from Microsoft Exchange, including: Email messages, Calendar meetings and appointments, Contacts, Task items
Read articleThe Microsoft SQL Server Connector expands on the existing functionality available with the Database Query and Call Stored Procedure tools, providing access to a nominated SQL Server database and therefore automating management of your data.
Read articleThe Microsoft SQL Server Trigger tool uses the Microsoft SQL Server trigger functionality to create a trigger on a table of a specified SQL data source. When a specified data modification is attempted, such as an attempt to add or delete a table row, the trigger then causes a task to run.
Read articleThe Oracle Trigger tool uses the Oracle Server trigger functionality to create a trigger on a table of a specified Oracle data source. When a specified data modification is attempted, such as, an attempt to add or delete a table row, the trigger then causes a task to run.
Read articleThe Parse Text tool extracts specific data from variables populated by other steps and then maps the data to other variables for use in further steps.
Read articleThe Print Document tool allows you to produce hard-copies of documents created by other task steps. All standard printer properties are available to produce run-time-specific output.
Read articleInbound messages to ToucanText can be processed using the Retrieve Text Message tool. Delivery receipts for messages sent by the Retrieve Text Message tool can also be processed.
Read articleThe Run Crystal Report tool automates the execution of SAP® Crystal Reports®. Recordsets and variables from other task steps can be consumed to dynamically populate the report at runtime. In addition, where the report requires access to a database, security credentials can be passed from in the Run Crystal Report step.
Read articleThe Run External Program tool runs self-terminating shell executable programs including .exe or .bat for example, or any file type that is associated with such a shell executable program. Programs can either be existing programs that exhibit the right attributes or programs specially created to provide integration with proprietary protocols, systems or applications.
Read articleThe Run Microsoft Reporting Services tool automates the running of Microsoft Reporting Services (MSRS) reports.
Read articleThe Run Microsoft Word (Merge) Tool is used to create a task step that creates single or multiple documents in common Microsoft Word formats containing merged data.
Read articleThe Run Sage 50 & 200 Report tool automates the running of reports in BPA Platform, from either Sage 50 Accounts or Sage 200’s Sage Report Designer.
Read articleThe Run VBScript tool is used to create a task step that runs a Visual Basic Script using data produced by other steps in the task. The step also provides access to the Memory feature which allows data produced by the step to be memorised into a Repository.
Read articleThe Sage 1000 (Line 500) Connector Tool Pack provides a simple, straightforward way of enabling connectivity between BPA Platformand Sage ERP 1000 (Line 500). Through the easy to use interface this allows you to connect with one or more companies to automate the retrieval and input of items such as purchase orders, sales orders, customers or stock.
Read articleThe Sage 200 Connector Tool allows users to communicate directly with the Sage 200 application in order to both read data from your system as well as write data back to it.
Read articleThe Sage 300 Connector tool allows communication between BPA Platform and a Sage 300 installation. All communication uses XML. You use the connector to map BPA Platform data to Sage 300 objects and operations.
Read articleThe Sage 50 Accounts Connector allows you to automate the management of your Sage 50 Accounts company data. You can carry out tasks such as retrieving information from a company or executing an operation to automatically CREATE, UPDATE, or DELETE items such as invoices, sales orders, or business partners. Company objects and fields are mapped to BPA Platform data at runtime.
Read articleThe Sage CRM Connector tool allows communication between BPA Platform and a Sage CRM database. All communication uses XML. You use the Connector to map BPA Platform data to Sage CRM objects and operations.
Read articleThe Salesforce Connector tool allows communication between BPA Platform and Salesforce. This enables efficient integration between Salesforce and incompatible systems, via BPA Platform.
Read articleThe SAP Business One Integration Tool Pack allows you to automate the management of your SAP Business One company data.
Read articleThe Save File tool saves output from another task step capable of producing some form of document, as one or more files on the local hard drive or network location.
Read articleThe Schedule tool is used to create a task step that triggers a task to run based on specific dates and times. Any number of Schedule steps can be created for a task.
Read articleThe Send Email (SMTP) tool sends messages to any SMTP compliant mail server. This tool is capable of sending multiple messages in either text or HTML formats, incorporating data from Input and Format steps to any number of recipients.
Read articleThe Send Fax (Tobit) Tool is used to create a Task Step that sends faxes that contain static or dynamic content to one or more recipients via the market-leading mid-range fax solutions.
Read articleThe Send Text Message tool is used to create and send data-driven, personalised text messages to employees, customers, prospects, suppliers, and so on. Sending can be automated to guarantee the timing of the text messages.
Read articleThe Shopify Integration tool allows communication between BPA Platform and Shopify. All communication uses XML. You use the Integration tool to map BPA Platform data to Shopify objects and operations.
Read articleUse the SYSPRO Connector to send and retrieve data between BPA Platform and your SYSPRO installation. This allows for data to be synchronised between SYSPRO and third-party systems that it does not normally connect with such as eCommerce and CRM systems.
Read articleThe Transfer File (FTP) Tool is used to create a Task Step that uploads or downloads one or more files to and from one or more FTP Servers. This is a powerful tool which can be used, for example, in the automated publishing of key information to Intranet / Internet sites
Read articleTransform Data is a Format tool that enables a new structure to be created from an existing XML or recordset data source. The output generated by this tool is ready for use in a destination system which consumes or requires XML.
Read articleThe Web Service Connector tool allows BPA Platform to integrate with a wide number of commercial web services, making it possible to automate the passing of data requests and retrieval to and from the website that would normally be carried out manually.
Read articleIntroduction to the WooCommerce Integration Tool What is the WooCommerce Integration Tool? The WooCommerce Integration tool allows communication between BPA Platform and WooCommerce®. All communication uses XML. You use the Integration…
Read articleThe Workflow Job Trigger Tool is used to create a Task Step that triggers a Task to run when responses from Workflow Jobs match criteria specified in one or a number of filters.
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