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White Paper Library

General Tools

Decision Tool

Decision Tool

The Decision tool is used to control the flow of a task process, based on the result of one or more expressions. The decision works by testing a sequence of Boolean (true/false) conditions in turn until an expression returns true. When a true condition is returned then that particular branch of the process is followed.

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File Management Tool

File Management Tool

Use the File Management tool to carry out a number of automated actions on single or multiple files – move, copy, rename, and delete – either locally or across the network. Uploads to and downloads from an FTP server are also supported.

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filter data tool whitepaper

Filter Data Tool

The Filter Data tool extracts a subset of data from a recordset produced by a Database Query (ODBC), Database Query (OLEDB), or Call Stored Procedure (OLEDB) step and provides the data for use in further steps.

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text parser tool whitepaper | parse text tool

Parse Text Tool

The Parse Text tool extracts specific data from variables populated by other steps and then maps the data to other variables for use in further steps.

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Business Process Automation CTA

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