Automating Over 100 Tasks with Care NG CRM Integration
The Woodland Trust, the UK’s leading woodland conservation charity, is using Codeless Platforms’ BPA Platform to automate over 100 business tasks and to improve the integration of its business systems – especially its CARENG Fundraising CRM software from Advanced NFP. The deployment has resulted in enhanced efficiency in collecting income, the automation of Direct Debit checks and financial notifications, as well as the eradication of costly employee housekeeping due to a reduction in manual intervention.
“The primary business goal was to get us on the road to efficient automation and better integration. We required a solution that would drive some of the workarounds we developed in the NG CRM system, and also manage the housekeeping tasks we create. Obviously, with the API within NG itself, we can trigger the data loader or actually use the web services to do imports. We also use it to send reports on a regular basis around the Trust. We find value in Codeless Platforms’ BPA Platform from automating a lot of those small annoying housekeeping tasks.”Christopher Holt, SRM Project Manager, Woodland Trust.
The Woodland Trust purchased Codeless Platforms’ BPA Platform as part of the portfolio of third-party applications that are available with the NG system. The Trust has devised many workarounds for the Care NG CRM system and created new tasks to help improve all aspects of its customer service. The Trust now has over 100 automated tasks running on a regular basis, driving some of its internal processes, such as monitoring the financial transaction batches within NG. This helps trigger notifications about significant donations and corporate income.
“The BPA Platform is monitoring the system and looking at where donations and income are coming from and who the supporters are – distinguishing whether or not they are major or high donors. This process allows us to automatically give visibility of these important income streams to those who need to act on that information and thus improve our customer service.”Christopher Holt
The BPA Platform’s ability to easily integrate with additional systems has been a major benefit to the Woodland Trust, especially as it uses Portrait to manage its email and marketing campaigns. This solution works from its own database, so the team employed the BPA Platform to automatically pull data from Portrait into Care NG CRM on a nightly basis using their respective API layers.
“Previously, this had to be carried out by manually downloading a .CSV file and importing that with a mailing history. When the selection is run and it creates a mailing history, that data is imported back into the system. That sounds like a little thing, but we send a large number of mailings per year, so it’s not just a few, it’s actually a huge number of mailing histories. This task now allows us to quickly record supporter communications across multiple systems. Nowadays, the first question we ask suppliers is ‘Have you got an API and can we have the documentation?’ Our default question always is ‘What can Codeless Platforms’ BPA Platform do to help knit the two APIs together?”Christopher Holt
Direct Debit checks were another vital element that the Trust wanted to automate, to help reduce the amount of calls to the data processing department. Due to the BPA Platform's flexibility and for the development team to see what is possible to accomplish with the system, it was possible to develop a data validation task using the virtual mailbox feature. People can now email the system, asking when the next Direct Debit date is, and it will look for trigger words and return that information.
“Rather than someone phoning the data processing department, or it is out of hours, it is now possible to send an email into the BPA Platform (the mailbox) asking when the next Direct Debit processing date is. We have managed to find a way that works that out, including accounting for Bank Holidays, weekends or other factors. We are starting to use it almost like a virtualised system in that respect.”Christopher Holt