BigCommerce Epicor Integration
Are you looking for a cost effective BigCommerce Epicor integration solution to automate the download of sales orders and customer details from BigCommerce to Epicor ERP? Or are you looking to automate the synchronisation of stock levels and pricing?
Codeless Platforms' Epicor BigCommerce integration solution provides you with drag and drop tools to quickly and easily synchronise data between BigCommerce and your other cloud-based or on-premises business systems, to reduce repetitive data entry and associated administration errors.

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BigCommerce Epicor Integration Scenarios and Benefits
Common BigCommerce integration scenarios with Epicor ERP include:
- The automatic download of BigCommerce orders into Epicor ERP, including customer shipping details, delivery method, product code and description, quantity, payment information, transaction IDs
- Automatic updating of BigCommerce with offline telephone orders
- Automated upload of inventory levels and/or product details from Epicor to BigCommerce
- Automatic upload of sales order status to BigCommerce, including automatic updates to the customer via email or SMS
- Automatic download and upload of stock levels
- Automatic upload of price changes made in Epicor to BigCommerce
Common commercial benefits achieved through Epicor integration with BigCommerce include:
- Eradication of repetitive data entry and associated errors
- Greater employee productivity
- Decrease in order to fulfilment times
- Ability to process a greater volume of business without additional staff

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