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Extend Business Systems with Customised Applications

Most organisations rely on core, centralised products to manage and process everyday business activities – whether this is a full blown ERP system, an accounting package, CRM system or sales platform, or a combination thereof. PaaS provides the opportunity to extend business systems with customised applications to provide them with the flexibility existing business software cannot provide.

Large vendors that supply these core products obviously cannot fulfil every process required by organisations. Generally, they also lack the flexibility to constantly develop and release additional modules, add-ons or extensions for their products, such is the breadth and scope of the various marketplaces that companies occupy and subsequent business processes required.

What’s Inside?

  • The demands of business today
  • Utilising cloud and Platform-as-a-Service
  • Building application extensions
  • Types of application extensions
  • An ERP application example: Asset Management


PaaS gives organisations the freedom and ability to scale or reduce application use to meet current requirements and financial budgets, as well as scale up (and down) application availability to rapidly meet business events or specific projects.

eBook: Extend Business Systems with Customised Applications

eBook: Extend Business Systems with Customised Applications

Discover the advantages of rapid application development to quickly and easily create and deploy new add-ons or applications that fulfil business events or specific projects.

Business Process Automation CTA

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