Not-for-Profit solutions to help you achieve more by doing less Are you looking for cost effective and easy to use not-for-profit solutions to remove repetitive data entry tasks from…
Thoughts, trends and insights
Automating the Creation and Distribution of Reports and Documents
Documents are intrinsic to the smooth running of the majority of organisations. They provide relevant information internally or externally, as well as act as a record of intention or agreement.…
Automating the Creation and Distribution of Critical Reports
Business critical reports play a vital role in the successful development and management of any organisation. Consistent business reporting ensures compliance procedures are adhered to, decision makers have the best…
Addressing the Challenges of Compliance via Automation
Automated Compliance Management: How automation addresses the challenges of compliance procedures Compliance has always played a pivotal role in migrating unnecessary risk from the organisation, but a number of well…
Cut Costs & Improve Email Marketing Campaigns via Automation Tools
Point and Click Email Marketing Platform Integration and Marketing Automation Tools Despite the rise in social media, email is still one of the most useful and powerful tools available to…