Shopware Exact Integration
Are you searching for a powerful Shopware Exact integration solution to integrate Shopware with Exact or preferred courier service provider? Or are you looking for a solution to customise your Shopware order management processing workflows?
Codeless Platforms' Shopware Exact Integration connector provides companies of any size with drag-and-drop tools to simplify access to the Shopware API and to automate the upload and download of data between Shopware and Exact.
No data integration project is the same, that’s why our Shopware integration connector has the flexibility to provide you with a full drag and drop user experience to ensure that integration steps are visually represented with a wider automated process.

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Shopware Exact Integration Features and Benefits
Key operations of the Shopware Exact connector include the automatic update of stock, retrieval of orders and stock, the ability to close orders. Automated processes include:
- Manage Customer Accounts: Automatically create and update new and existing customer accounts (details, billing/shipping address) in Exact.
- Order Management: Automatically process Shopware orders to Exact, including customer billing/shipping details, delivery method, payment method, quantity ordered, product code/description.
- Upload Exact order status to Shopware: Automatically update Shopware with sales order status updates made in Exact.
- Create incoming AR Invoices and Payments: Automatically create an Accounts Receivable invoice etc.
- Inventory and Pricing: Automatically update inventory from Exact and upload price changes to Shopware.
- Product Updates: Automatically update product SKU, description, tax class, weight, retail price and available inventory levels between Exact and Shopware.
- Additional Services and Integrations: Identify transactions, check for errors and send an internal alert if a sales process fails, PO invoice automation, automated pick list creation, dispatch note creation, shipping notifications, support for multiple Shopware stores, support for a host of B2B scenarios.
Common commercial advantages of integrating Shopware with Exact include:
- Significantly reduce order fulfilment times
- Ability to process a higher volume of sales without increasing company headcounts
- Reduced operational costs
- Ability to eradicate repetitive data entry
- Increased visibility of customer data to help identify buying history and patterns

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Shopware Exact Integration
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