NOTE: This article has been updated and moved to the Codeless Platforms Documentation Portal.
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A number of web services return PDF documents in their output, such as labels from courier companies. This article explains how BPA Platform can print PDF documents using an external PDF tool, such as the open-source utility SumatraPDF.
This utility can be used to print PDFs from the command line without prompting the user, and it can be executed BPA Platform using the Run External Program or Run VBScript tools.
This article describes how to use the Run External Program to print PDFs with SumatraPDF.
Set Up Run External Program to Print PDFs
For a list of the arguments to use when launching SumatraPDF from the command line, go to
The following screenshot shows the parameters required to print to the machine’s default printer (-print-to-default
) without prompting for user interaction (-silent
To setup the Run External Program task step to print to a specifc printer (determined by a task variable), set up as follows:
The above screenshots assume you have specified the PDF document as the Document Source in the Run External Program‘s General tab.