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DCOM permissions required for running a Run Microsoft Word (Merge) step

Note: To successfully run the Run Microsoft Word (Merge) tool, a user must be logged onto the TaskCentre computer whenever the task runs. (This is because Microsoft do not support Automation to a Microsoft Office application from an unattended user account.)


A task with a Run Microsoft Word (Merge) step is failing at runtime. The event log will produce an error similar to the following:

Microsoft Word could not initialize properly


The TaskCentre configurator may show the following for the Run Microsoft Word (Merge) prerequisites:



DCOM permissions for Interactive User have not been configured correctly for the Microsoft Word component.


Ensure Word Automation objects are set for Interactive User.

  1. Open Component Services via: Start -> Run -> dcomcnfg
  2. Select the DCOM Config node via the following:Component Services -> Computers -> My Computer -> DCOM Config
  3. Locate and open the properties for the component Microsoft Word 97 – 2003 Document.
  4. Under the Security tab give the INTERACTIVE user Local Launch, Local Activation and Local Access permissions.
  5. Under the Identity tab ensure the option The interactive user has been selected.

This completes setting the DCOM permissions.