Unit4 Dream Integration
Do you need to integrate Unit4 Dream (formerly Coda Dream) with another business application or web service? Or do you need a Unit4 Dream Integration to remove data entry errors and associated costs?
Codeless Platforms’ Unit4 Dream Integration connector can quickly and simply integrate Unit4 Dream with other business applications or web services through its drag and drop integration, workflow and process automation capabilities.
Unit4 Dream Integration Brochure
Unit4 Dream Integration Scenarios and Benefits
Common automated processes achievable by integrating Unit4 Dream with other cloud-based or on-premises business systems include:
- eCommerce integration e.g. Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce
- Courier service integration e.g. DPD
- Email marketing integration e.g. MailChimp, HubSpot, dotmailer
- EDI integration
- Automated VAT Number Checks via VIES
- Companies House integration
- Integration with an industry specific application
Common commercial benefits achieved through integrating Unit4 Dream with other business systems include:
- Improved flow and visibility of critical data
- Ability to scale company operations without additional employee overheads
- Improved financial performance
- Eradication of data entry errors and associated costs
Unit4 Dream Integration Brochure
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Unit4 Dream Integration
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