[email_lead]Are employees managing purchase order approvals through email?[/email_lead]
For many businesses loose manually driven processes mean that reliance on employees to make correct judgement calls can leave them open to risk, inevitably things can be missed, and mistakes can be made. ApproverPro provides businesses with a complete audit trail with approvals that are easy to manage.
[email_btn text="Discover more" url="https://www.codelessplatforms.com/marketplace/applications/approval-workflow-engine/"]
Create single level or multi-level authorisation workflows that can include any of the following:
Purchase order (PO), sales order and invoice authorisationsHoliday and expenses approvalsDiscount or price change authorisationsCredit note authorisationsCredit limit reviewsTimesheet reviewsAccount creation and reallocation approvalsService quote approvalsCommission sign offReview processes [/email_ul]
Read our eBook on the pitfalls of authorisations and how getting it wrong can impact your business and its performance.
[email_btn text="Read eBook" url="https://www.codelessplatforms.com/wp-content/uploads/dlm_uploads/2017/05/Authorisations-Are-You-Really-In-Control-Of-Your-Business.pdf"] [email_from text="Adam Walker"]
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