We recommend you group your tasks into folders for easier management. Note that there is no limit for the level of sub-folders you can create.

BPA Platform Client - Folder Structure

Click the image to view full size.

Use the Folders toolbar to manage your task folders:

(New Folder) — Create a new folder in the highlighted node of the Tasks tree

(Move To Folder) — Moves the highlighted task to a new location

(Copy To Folder) — Copies the highlighted task to a new location

Setting Permissions for Task Folders

Note: The following functionality is only available in the Classic client.

If required, you can set permissions for user access to the task folder. Note that new users are given full access:

Full Control — Users can create sub-folders and tasks, and remove the same from this folder
Visible — The folder and its contents are displayed to the user when clicked
Create Folder — Users can create new sub-folders in this folder
Create — User can create tasks in this folder
Read — Users can only read tasks in this folder
Execute — Users can manually run (all) tasks in this folder (right-click the task and select Queue Now)
Edit Own — Users can only edit those tasks and sub-folders they have created in this folder
Edit All — Users can edit any task or sub-folder created in this folder
Delete Own — Users can only delete tasks and sub-folder they have created in this folder
Delete All — Users can delete any task or sub-folder created in this folder