Not-for-Profit solutions to help you achieve more by doing less Are you looking for cost effective and easy to use not-for-profit solutions to remove repetitive data entry tasks from…
Thoughts, trends and insights
Informative Business Alerts and Notifications
Information plays an important role in almost every human activity and has become extremely valuable for business and organisations as it can affect a decision, behaviour or an outcome. Information,…
Automating Critical Alerts and Notifications
Defining what is critical within a business will vary from industry to industry and department to department. However, each issue will have its own merits and will ultimately affect the…
Data Management Alerts – Monitoring & Cleaning Business Data
Business data is now pouring into organisations from a wide variety of channels and includes useful insight into customers, prospects, products, inventory, finances and employees. It is an extremely valuable…
Automating Real-time Status Notifications
Understanding the current state or condition of affairs is important for both businesses and customers. Certain events or incidents can have a significant impact. For businesses, this could be a…